Hello, friends today we are discussing the Google Adsense problem. A lot of time ago I made a website and started to get Adsense approval but I need to face many problems after all I solved all problems. I think I just need to share common Google Adsense problems solutions with you. So, guys today our topic is How to fix Google Adsense low value content in 2022. Many people e Google Adsense low value content in 2022. My own blog rejects by google Adsense many times. Now low value content become a common problem for all new blogs.
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How to fix Google Adsense low value content problem in 2022 Parhaqoo |
Google Adsense low value content problem solution in 2022
We are sharing a few points to fix low value content. After these tips, you never face low value content problems on your blog or website. You can get approval within 7 days after reviewing your blog by the Adsense team. But when you appeal for review make sure you have written approximately 20 posts on your blog and all these posts are unique. Ok lets started
After writing approximately 20 unique posts
After you publish more than the minimum amount of posts required to get Google AdSense permission for a website or blog, you think you are solving everything including any policy violations on your site (e.g. low value content) and you are still waiting for positive feedback from Google AdSense.
But what if I told you, don't be too happy when you publish a lot of posts and wait for Google AdSense approval. You should know that Google AdSense has no hesitation in granting AdSense permission to the website, especially to those newly created websites and blogs that lack content.
Google Adsense approval rejection
It is common to find rejection in Google AdSense if you are a beginner in a blogging area. However, if your website has been well developed for months with a ton of content, you should be aware of any rejection and respond to what Google AdSense offers you because there are serious issues with your site.
I have seen many websites fail after they have been rejected by Google AdSense for various types of policy violations, but there is only one policy violation that is considered to be the most notorious. I do not really want you to feel the same pain as everyone else. It hurts when your website continues to be rejected for this violation of AdSense policy, which is Low valve Content.
Learn details about AdSense policy violations
In this post, you will learn details about AdSense policy violations, Low valve Content, and how to fix these policy violations
What is low value content?
Low Content means that your blog does not have a lot of high-quality content. which is not appropriate for Google AdSense to display ads. In Google AdSense, your site does not offer anything or offer small, informative, and unique content. Your content must have readable in simple words. Make sure your post is also indexed in google search.
How to fix violations of Google AdSense Policy Low valve Content
What is Low value Content?
Here's what you will get if Google AdSense refuses to update your website with Low Content:
We have found a policy violation on any site that prevents your site from being approved. We have detected a policy violation on your site which means your website is not yet ready to display ads:
Low Value Content we face Problem
Your site does not meet the terms of use of the Google Publisher Network. For more information, review the following resources:
Did you read what Google AdSense told us about your problem when you received blog rejection?
Many people do not read these articles and go to YOUTUBE and watch videos. After wasting time come again to this article. You must read these articles.
High-quality content as opposed to low content, are key points of this rejection. But the most important is the quality of the content unique content.
My own Experience with Low Value Content
Why my website was rejected for Low Price Content by Google AdSense
I had problems with low-value content before with my official Google AdSense 2 blogging website, at least I work hard to solve low-value content. Probably because my content is considered high quality in the eyes of Google AdSense. But now my newly PARHAQOO Blogspot I again face a low valve content problem. I hope I solve this issue as soon as possible.
I have not encountered Low Content Content in my previous rejection but you should know that there are tons of similar situations in the Google AdSense community if you are lazy or not sure how to resolve low value content with suggestions and comments there.
Solve low value content issues with examples
I have selected 2 examples to show you what is wrong with these websites and to show you what to avoid to have a higher chance of getting your site approved by Google AdSense.
Example 1. Adsense rejection Low value content - Google Search Console Indexing Problem
First, make sure your blog posts are indexed in the google search console. I have a blog to face this problem ALLF10.
So what's wrong with this website?
Actually, there are a lot of problems with this blog even though the poster says it has 20 posts. Post number is not the main thing for Low Content, instead, it is what I have said many times, the quality of the content.
If you are searching for a site: your website.domain e.g site:parhaqoo.blogspot.com in this case, there are only 7 index posts which means there will be an Important Asset: Low value content problem. It does not meet the minimum number of posts required for Google AdSense approval.
Low valve content and High value content difference
The biggest problem with this blog is content, published by the author on this blogger site with minimal content from Google AdSense's perspective based on my experience of reading tons of questions about low value content in the Google AdSense community.
What is Low Content?
What this means, is this blog content is commonplace as many people say the same thing online. Just search for a keyword and count how many people are writing similar content to this site.
How to fix violations of Google AdSense Policy Low Content
Basically, this is the content published on this blog
Why my website was rejected for Low value Content by Google AdSense
- How to make money
- Profit for YouTube
- Microsoft Team Tips and Tricks
- What is a VPN?
- How to hack
- What is bitcoin
See what kind of topics, do you consider to be high quality content? Unique and not written by anyone?
Is there any additional information within the content?
NO That's why this blog was rejected by Google AdSense for Low Content.
What is Low Content? Why my website was rejected for Low Price Content by Google AdSense
If you really want to get AdSense approval for your website, never write anything mentioned in the list above, especially the article on "How to Make Money", ways to earn online ".
Out of respect, AdSense has stated that this site has low content. But to be honest, this website offers useless AdSense content that doesn't really think there is value there.
Be careful to writing content to avoid low value content
So if you really want to get Google AdSense permission, be careful to avoid writing content as shown on this blog and write your own high quality content. It’s okay for your blog to have unpopular and unique content, as long as it provides extra value and valuable information to your readers.
Example 2. Rejected Adsense your blog low value content
The first open Muzammal In Technology you open this website you will know that Google AdSense will not accept and approve this website.
This is the list of content on this website:
- Wifi Hack
- Earn Money
- CryptoCurrency
- Technology
- Health
Why the Health Care Site did not receive Google AdSense authorization
The first 6 content is related to health care, and health care is under the Google AdSense policy:
- For consumer protection, Google has the highest quality health advice barrier.
- Google will monitor professional content, transparency as to who authorizes the content and their details, and quotes from sites in the peer group.
Why my website was rejected for Low value Content by Google AdSense
To put it simply, Google AdSense sets the highest standards for any website or blog related to the health care theme.
Why the Health Care Site did not receive Google AdSense authorization - low value content
Besides, based on this web page about us, the content writer does not provide any guarantees or authorization to write such content. Does the author have any knowledge of the healthcare industry? What are the past successes of this author's studies in health care? For how many years did the author work in the health care industry?
Just providing health tips will not indicate that this author has work experience or any academic credentials to write such content. That's why Google AdSense is against when it comes to health care websites and has not approved your blog.
Therefore, it is best not to post health-related content whether you have full or no knowledge of the healthcare industry.
How to fix violations of Google AdSense Policy Low Content - What is Low Content?
So why are there other websites that publish health-related content but still not able to display ads from Google AdSense? Maybe these websites got their Google AdSense approval years ago or maybe they have had good traffic or improved for years. However, these websites are pre-approved before Google's limited healthcare site.
Summary of why Google AdSense rejected a website with Low Content. Why the Health Care Site did not receive Google AdSense authorization
Why Low value Content exists
The first reason Google AdSense rejected a website with low cost is that it provides less informative and useless content.
Why my website was rejected for Low Price Content by Google AdSense
If you write anything very unusual without writing it in a different way, your content will be considered Low Content as well.
You written posts content maybe Low Content:
- Not original / discarded content from another party
- Edited content (All text in section 1)
- No information and no additional value are provided
- Short Content (Less than 1500 words)
If your website offers such content on the following list, be prepared to be rejected by Google AdSense for Low Content:
- Study-related sites
- News site
- Technical site
- Healthcare facility
- Sports site
- Encouraging Story / Rating Site
- Product review site
- Membership site
- How you earn money (anything related to this topic)
- How to do it (standard-title)
5 Ways to Fix low value Content to get Google AdSense approval
How to Fix Low Content
I write below 5 ways to fix Google AdSense policy violations - Low Content
- Check all your content
- Check your content is not written under topics
- Delete or unpublished your content that is considered low value by Google AdSense.
- Write your own content and don't copy or rewrite
- Improve your content quality by improving the words
Conclusions - Low Value Content
You can avoid Low-Content Content as long as you do not write content that is common, and that has been written by others many times online and now and in the future.
Only high-quality TEXT content is informative, well-organized, authentic, unique, and written in over 1500 paragraphs that will help you get Google AdSense approval, as well as resolve these Low Content Content violations.