How to write National Unity for Students essay in 2023

7 minute read

Essay on National Unity for Matric, Intermediate, FSC, 2nd Year, BSC, and  BA

The Essay on National Unity is here for different classes. Students may write the same article under question, write an article on national unity, the Essay of National Unity, the Essay on National Unity in Pakistan, This article will discuss the need for national unity and provide suggestions for this.

How to write National Unity for Students essay in 2023
How to write National Unity for Students essay in 2023

National Unity Essay for Class 10, Class 12, and Higher classes latest in 2023

National unity is closely linked to national ideology. We need national unity for many reasons. First, the nation must unite to progress in various areas of life. second, we must realize that our country is going through a critical phase in its history. It is constantly exposed to the danger of a sworn enemy like India. India has twice attacked our country. We are afraid of being attacked again. We need national unity to face the Indian invasion.

Thirdly, at the same time, we need national unity to make progress in the social, political, and economic spheres. A united nation remains strong and stable. It has the image of great power. Before the partition of India, Muslims were united in one place under the leadership of Quaid-i-Azam. If Muslims were not united; Pakistan would be a dream come true.

We can achieve national unity by pursuing different goals. First of all, justice must be done to everyone in Pakistan. Pakistan has four provinces. Here people speak different languages ​​and wear different costumes. If we treat people fairly in all provinces, we can keep them united. Justice means we have to deal with them properly in the political, economic, and social spheres.

The people of each province must face justice, kindness, and love. This will lead to national unity.

A common language must be adopted to achieve national unity. Our country is made up of people of different races. There are Punjabi, Pathan, Sindhi, and Baluchi. They speak their mother tongue in their diversity. They should not be distracted by speaking in their mother tongue. They must be convinced that they are using the same language to be used legally. This language can be Urdu. Additionally, people may be asked to dress casually, at least for social events and formal gatherings. This unity of dress is a big deal. It can express the unity between different groups of people. There is also one important and essential element of national unity.

Our faithful adherence to our ideals can unite our nation. By following Islam, we will never be separated. Islam gives us the lesson of unity, faith, and morality. It emphasizes that all Muslims are brothers to one another. They enjoy equal rights. Islam does not believe in dividing society between different groups of people.

It does not believe in caste, color, and religion. Islam does not believe in economic exploitation. It has a just faith and can promote unity among different groups of people. We can say that Islam is a great force that binds and unites different groups of people.

National Unity essay for 6 class, 7 class, 8 class, and 9 class students

Here we are writing this essay in simple words so that students can learn easily and prepare for exams 

The Importance of the essay on National Unity with quotations  (350 words)

National unity makes the country stronger and more prosperous (rich). It creates policies and goals for people to work with. Then other countries will not be able to resist it or attack it easily.

We are surrounded by many dangers. Powerful countries are close to our borders. Our relationship with all of this will not always be as gentle (warm and sincere) as we will not be able to please everyone on world terms. Those who strongly oppose us may think of taking advantage of our inner (inner) weaknesses and divisions: Then, it becomes necessary for us to be united as a nation and be truly strong.

We should strive to have greater national unity in other such ways.

  First of all, we must all adhere to the principles of our religion. We should be true Muslims in matters of worship and performing our public duties.

Second, we must allow provinces to develop their own languages ​​and cultures. These languages ​​and cultures are precious old and new values ​​and ideas. See. they must support the language and culture of the nation in their development. We will therefore be achieving (finding) two goals - to satisfy all people and to make the best use of their cultural resources.
Third, we must provide all provinces with equal opportunities for growth and development. Provincial governments must have the necessary power to solve their problems. People should feel satisfied with the solution to those problems at the provincial level.

Fourth, we must promote trade and travel between one province and another. This will bring people closer and promote national unity.

Fifth, we must strive for true justice and equality throughout the world. People should feel that no one can cause injustice to others, no matter how rich or powerful they may be. They should feel that they all have equal opportunities for improvement. If they can and do work hard, they should be able to make rapid progress.

Government and the people must work together for greater, national unity. Representatives of the people should have discussions with the government about their problems and ways to promote unity.

The Importance of the Article on National Unity (1000 Words)

As a nation, we are in the throes of a massive 67-year period of independence. The doctrine of nationalism has completely overshadowed sectarianism, racism, racism, and the interfaith movement. We have Pathan, Punjabi, Sindhi, Baluchi, Shia, Sunni, local people, and Mohajers who are always in a state of war. People have begun to put the interests of their religious groups ahead of national interests. All of these groups and denominations are busy strengthening and unifying their organizations, neglecting their duties as citizens of Pakistan. This ever-increasing conflict between the various social groups has threatened the existence of our country.

The birth of Pakistan alone is an important testament to the unity and integration of several very different Indian Muslims under the banner of the Islamic State and the strong leadership of Quaid-e-Azam.

There is no denying that internal integrity is the most important factor in the survival of any nation at all times. We can say that constant vigilance is the price of freedom. A divided nation will never have stability, peace, and prosperity. it is very important in our country because Pakistan is not only threatened by foreign enemies but also by internal groups.

People have become so depleted that they prefer only their home region or town. They never talk about Pakistan where their province or city is. People pray only in churches of their denominations. They simply cannot bear to see the harsh and depressing conditions in and around our country.

If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Bible, Mark 3:25

Foreign countries exploit the divisions that make our country weak and weak every day. They cannot tolerate the existence of a happy and prosperous Pakistan. Our enemies are very intelligent and united, and they work hard in their schemes to create tensions between the people of Pakistan. We have already lost East Pakistan because of our differences and incompatibility.

The answer is national unity - the solution to all our social, political, and economic problems. A strong foundation for uniting religion. The unity created by Islam resulted in the liberation of the country. Religion directs a person to see for himself, to put down the ego for the better. Muslims teach us that humans are like parts of one body. A wholehearted revival of Islamic values ​​can repair the cracks in the national system. Restoration is a matter of time.

It is truly amazing why we forget that our ancestors made concerted efforts to achieve this world. They gave up their lives and possessions to gain freedom for themselves and for their future generations.

"Fear and interest are only two forces that unite men."
Napoleon Bonaparte

If they had not fought hard to find a different traditional country, we would have become Hindu slaves. We must always remember that we are all one nation and one nation. Admittedly, our religion is the best in the world. It aims at the brotherhood of the universe. Therefore, Muslims who believe in God, but continue to do wrong, are not visible in the Islamic system.

The second solution to integrating education. Our colleges and universities should be training grounds for the benefit of commitment, mutual respect, and true knowledge rather than hot spots for factions and political strife.

Some important keywords are here How to write, National Unity, for Students essay, in 2023, national unity importance.
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