Santiago's experienced fisherman, Loneliness - PARHAQOO

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This is an important question for BA English. You must study these questions. This answer can be found in any of the following topics/questions:

1. Santiago is happy. maintenance.
2. Santiago is a famous fisherman. interview.

Santiago's experienced fisherman, Loneliness, Shark Attack
Santiago's experienced fisherman, Loneliness, Shark Attack

Santiago's experienced fisherman, Loneliness, and Shark Attack  answer and questions

Now, the ten points I wrote about an old man on the beach and all these blogs are very important. This does not mean that problems will not arise outside of this. We share with you important questions about Santiago's experienced fisherman, Loneliness, and Shark Attack are three types we discuss one by one.

Santiago's experienced a famous fisherman

Answer. Santiago is the protagonist of the new film "The old man and the Sea". He is an experienced fisherman. You have spent your life at sea, knowing the weather and the sea, first learning when the light will shine, and how long it will last. The old man was a fearless fisherman. He would 'go out to the sea where no other fisherman would go. "Where are you going?" Manolín asked first to him about his trip of 85-day. He was alone for three days and three nights, and he was not afraid to sail. Show that the old man is a fisherman and he knows that he is not afraid. 

Santiago's experienced fisherman in fishing. 

We know you have not been fishing in the last 84 days. But she did not give up. He tells the young man where his big fish should be. The old man was convinced that he would defeat a strong enemy, for the old man knew many lies and fished all his life. Manolin's son believes in all his fishing skills. He is considered to be the best fisherman he has ever known. He points to the old one. “There are good fishermen, and there are good fishermen. But only you. " Old is a good fishing tool. He knows how to catch many bats in the deep. 

The author shows how Santiago holds his fishing rod. 

And he handles them better than others. His fishing technique is clear, but he wishes you good luck." He could recognize the male dolphin sounds and the female screams. Cavaliers are also known to train women regularly. Of course, he is an experienced fisherman. It is very philosophical and ideological. Unlike other fishermen, he was a very capable man. He knows the good or the bad that will come from it. As he struggled, he prayed to Mary in her way. He began to reflect on the seriousness of Marlin's murder and later declared it a professional crime. He put the idea to the end: "Everything kills another or everything in one way."

It is the end of Santiago's experienced fisherman. Now we discuss the

Explaining Santiago's Shark Attack BA English

By Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea is a short story. The main character, an old man, fights with a shark. This letter also answers the following questions:

Q.1. Describe Oldman's battle with the sharks.


Describe the fight between the old man and the shark

Answer: The old man tied the fish to the side of the boat and went home. The old man saw a shark near him. It's a macaw shark. It has teeth like human fingers. When it sticks like claws. They are as long as an old man's ginger. Sharks begin to cut meat from the body of large fish. The old man hit the shark's brain with a harpoon. The shark was fatally injured. There is no life in the shark's eye. A shark carries about 40 pounds of meat from a large fish. He sailed for two hours and rested under the boat. 

He saw two sharks coming toward him. He saw a shark coming. 

They are hateful sharks. He again swung the shark's spine with a knife. The shark swallows the best fish and quickly dies. Now another shark started shaking the ship. He ate a big fish. The old man put the knife in his skin. He injured his hands and shoulders. The old man stabbed him in the left eye. The shark does not confess his guilt. The old man hooked a knife on the shark's spine and brain. He also caught a third of the best of his big fish before he died.

And another shark came. It stood like a hip. She comes with her mouth wide open. The old man put it with the fish. He tilts his sword into the shark's brain.

At midnight, the sharks swarmed and attacked the fish. The shark throws itself among the fish. He hit them on the head with the club. One of the sharks crossed the club and disappeared. The old man pulled the cultivator off the rudder and hit the shark. A shark pulls a piece of meat from a large fish. The bar is also missing. The man was victorious. This forces the shark to eat fish. Not a single skeleton of the fisherman was left. He was just thinking about managing the boat.

Q.2. Does Santiago prove the truth of the statement "Man is not a loser"? or


Men don't give up. Just present it in the context of the new.

Answer: Hero Santiago is a man of indomitable courage and indomitable will. He refuses to call it "bad luck". He decides to go far beyond the fishing grounds. He was destined to put himself at greater risk. He said his big fish would be anywhere in the sea. He hasn't caught any fish in the last 84 days, but he hasn't lost or earned. He decided to try his luck on the 85th day.

The old man is on a journey. He faces a great test. He was alone. When the trial grew, he was alone. The old man was good at grilling a big marlin. It is “beautiful and strange”. 

He is bigger than him. These strong fish pull the boat and pull the old man, the old man in the boat for three days and three nights, without resting or sleeping. There was a heavy burden on his body and mind. However, he did not take care of his life and decided not to until his death. He said to the fish, “Chab until I die I will be with you." His whole body was in great distress. He did not sleep or rest for two days and two nights. his back hurts, and his hands are torn. He despaired, but he didn't give up the fight. He decides to tell Marlin who she is. He must kill all the size and glory of the marlin. But I'll let him know what man can do and what he can do. 

"You killed me, fish."

                                    He says. His killing of a marlin ends in his misery. A marlin weighs 1,500 pounds - it exhibits the same strength and temper it would face a shark. The first to attack the marlin was the macaw shark. It attacks the brain of the shark "without hope, but with the solution and complete malignity". The shark died but stole the harpoon. Santiago said 'But the man didn't give up. "People can die, but cannot fail". It was his soul that prepared him to kill many sharks.

English notes BA talks to himself and  Santiago's Loneliness

This is a major theme in the B.A. Novel English course, The Old Man, and the Sea. The ADA, Associate Degree Glossary, and English Language are available here in PDF format.

Q.3. How does the old man prevent segregation?


Who is the old man talking to at sea and why?

Answer: The new book "The Old Man and the Sea" is about Santiago's loneliness and loneliness. Santiago is alone in the world. From the beginning, we learned that he was alone in the world. He lived in a tent and he was poor. He had no other friends than a boy who taught him how to fish. It had no pleasure in making him happy. There is no radio for listening to the news. It's not Its shoes and nothing to live a dignified life.

The oldest man in the world. He was alone in the boat. He hunted big fish to become a symbol in the history of fishing. He was alone in this great tribulation. He is left-handed. The fish pulled her towards him. He stayed on the boat for three days and three nights. He is also alone in the fight against sharks. 

When the Mako Shark arrives, he expends the Shark's Brain with complete determination and energy.  he said."People are not designed for fail,"

When he returns home after a battle with sharks, he is beaten and defeated. He was then alone. She lay in her bed hopelessly and empty. When fishing and fighting sharks, he was alone and not involved with humans. But he broke his loneliness in the following ways: 

1. He lived with seabirds and other seals. He loved them and talked to them whenever he felt lonely. We can therefore say that he is not alone. 
2. She likes green turtles and hawks for her elegance and speed. He takes pity on the weak black and says that these birds make life more difficult than thieves. 

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